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Art of Burning: The Benefits of Using Yakisugi (Shou Sugi Ban)

Published: Friday, March 13, 2020

In a changing world full of technology, we are being constantly flooded with new information and ideas on a daily basis. When you are a service professional, this information can be an invaluable asset to your company. This is exactly how we feel when we discovered the Ancient Japanese method of Wood Burning to create a product called Yakisugi (also known in the West as Shou Sugi Ban.) When first trying to understand this method of treating wood, it doesn’t make much logical sense. Once you dig deeper though, you find out how exceptionally clever and useful this process can be to maximize   … Read »

Best Outdoor Projects to Consider When Buying a Home

Published: Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Everyone knows that the home buying process in San Francisco can be long and arduous. Whether it’s selecting the home with the features that best match your wants/needs, or finding a home that needs some work that you can make your own. Either way, this article should help you to understand what types of options you have to increase the value of your home, increase the functionality of your patio space/backyard, or simply just to create a space for you to drink your morning coffee in peace. Whatever the case is, here are some of the best outdoor projects to consider when buying a home. Outdoor   … Read »

Availability in Construction: What to Expect With A Time-Sensitive Project

Published: Tuesday, December 24, 2019

During the long, cold, winter nights, many homeowners dream of building a new home, or adding onto their existing home during December and January. While a lot of construction companies would consider wintertime the offseason, there are still companies that will work through the cold weather when permissible. While there may not be as much construction going on during this time, there are some companies that quit working all-together. There are also companies, who just simply don’t have work lined up and can’t stay busy during the offseason. For homeowners in need of work on their   … Read »

Lead-Based Paint Abatement

Published: Monday, December 02, 2019

Back in the “good old days” of the early-mid 1900’s, there was a product being used by nearly everyone in the industrialized United States. That product was lead-based paint. Contrary to modern-day paint, lead-based paint contained enough lead that it actually led to millions of Americans being easily exposed to, and poisoned by it. Millions of children and adults experienced brain and lung conditions, some of which even proving to be fatal. In fact, over 400,000 Americans are thought to die each year from lead-based paint complications, even to this day! With new laws   … Read »

The Process of Building a Custom Home

Published: Wednesday, November 20, 2019

In San Francisco, there is a ton of construction going on. With housing prices skyrocketing in the Bay Area Metro, people are looking to build or live elsewhere than the city proper. As a local construction company, it only makes sense that we touch base on this subject and explain the process of building a home, like the many homes that are currently being constructed in our area. As a full-service contractor, we are well-versed in the many nuances of custom home building. While there are too many variables to explain in a brief article, I will summarize the step-by-step process   … Read »

Full-Service Custom Home Building Vs. Paper Contracting a Custom Home

Published: Monday, November 04, 2019

If you are reading this, it’s very likely that you are either looking at building a custom home, or it’s something you dream of for your future. When researching and delving deeper into the home construction process, you’ll quickly learn how complex and complicated it can be. A lot of people would rather pass this process on to a General Contractor, which is certainly a much more stress-free option in a lot of cases. However, it’s very important to understand the scope of work that said company will be taking on. After all, you are vetting different contractors to determine   … Read »

6 Inexpensive and Trendy Ways to Update Your Home

Published: Wednesday, October 16, 2019

For many homeowners, home renovation is an expensive and arduous task. In an economy where real estate prices are constantly increasing, it’s becoming more common for people to renovate their existing homes, rather than bulding a new home or purchasing a different home. Because of these changes, it can be more beneficial for many to slowly renovate the home they already have. While there can be extensive expenses with completely remodeling a home, there are quite a few things you can do to update your home over time. Starting off small, allows you to keep your home looking nice through   … Read »

What Should You Discuss With Your Home Improvement Expert During the Construction Process?

Published: Friday, September 20, 2019

The 21st century is the age of technology, and because of this, we have been privileged with the freedom to heed our desires and wishes. “My dream home is going to be a place where I can express myself and live in an environment with everything I could want or need.” More often than not, these thoughts cross the minds of people when exploring their home-building plans. But the question is, do you know what you should discuss with your custom home builder? Why is it important? While sitting with an architect, engineer, builder, interior designer, or any home professional   … Read »

The Real Reasons Behind The Booming Popularity of Custom Homes

Published: Tuesday, August 06, 2019

Today in the twenty-first century we live in, the lifestyles of individuals have evolved significantly in recent years. People who have the proper resources are doing what they can to settle into a more comfortable lifestyle. In an era where technology makes things more simplified and ultimately provides more time for relaxation, many of these people are searching for ways to reduce their regular responsibilities of home maintenance. This is precisely where the importance of custom-built homes comes into the picture. Custom homes have turned out to be a highly prevalent trend among many   … Read »

Why Should You Hire an Addition Builder? How Can They Help You?

Published: Thursday, July 25, 2019

Most people don’t know that hiring a room addition builder can add value to your home, while also giving you more space to live in. However, additions can involve a lot of variables, as it is a major undertaking, which is why you should hire only the best professionals for the job. It’s best to utilize an addition to increase the size of your existing space, while staying within your allocated budget. Below are a few benefits of hiring an addition contractor for your project: Planning and Designing A good addition contractor has the experience and skills to give you   … Read »

What To Look For In A Quality Home Builder

Published: Friday, July 12, 2019

With such a saturated housing market in the Bay Area, it’s not a bad idea for some people to start thinking about building your own custom home. With so many old homes going on the market for exorbitant prices, it may be a better option to build a new home on your existing property. While building a new home isn’t a cheap or easy option by any means, it can still be a smooth process if you select the right custom home builder. The structure and architecture of your house depends a lot on your custom home builder. If you choose well, you might end up having the perfect house that your   … Read »

How To Know You Found The Right Construction Company

Published: Friday, June 28, 2019

“Home is where your feet may leave but not your heart.” When it comes to approaching a home building plan, most of the time it’s much easier said than done. If you don’t possess a certain level of knowledge and insights about the field of construction, things might be a bit more challenging for you. Choosing a residential contractor is definitely not an easy task, as there are many to choose from. With so many companies out there, it’s really difficult to determine who is going to provide you with the best quality of service. This article will introduce you to some of the   … Read »

Tips to Choose a Reliable Home Contractor

Published: Wednesday, June 05, 2019

Choosing a quality contractor will make all the difference between getting the job done right and facing a nightmare. For a lot of homeowners, the most challenging part of renovating the house is not the work but choosing the correct contractor. No matter what task you want to get done, from installing kitchen cabinets, retiling the floor tiles, or knocking down a wall, hiring a qualified contractor will ensure that you are getting high-level performance. Below are a few tips that you should keep in mind while choosing a home contractor: Know What You Want Start by creating   … Read »

Building on a Budget

Published: Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Building on a Budget It’s no secret that cash is king. The problem is that most people don’t have money just sitting around. For a large number of people that wish to improve or re-build their home, building on a budget is a crucial aspect of the process. During the initial planning of a construction project, the first thing anyone does is look at their budget, to see what they can afford to build. However, one of the best ways to save cash on a project almost always goes by unnoticed. A lot of people assume that they will save a ton of money by purchasing all their own materials,   … Read »

Top 3 Reasons to Join a Career in the Trades

Published: Thursday, November 15, 2018

Top 3 Reasons to Join a Career in the Trades Growing up is hard to do. For a lot of people, it means graduating from High School and attending a good College so they can earn a degree in their dream job, and ultimately become wealthy. In most scenarios, however, this ends up being far from reality. Between switching majors, college tuition fees, and simply balancing education with having a social life, large groups of students tend to leave college feeling apprehensive about their future. While this is true in a majority of cases, it seems that any talk about joining the trades after High School,   … Read »